Miyerkules, Oktubre 8, 2014


Indeed having God as the center of everything will truly result good. I’m so blessed after hearing the story of Jeco’s or how it did start. From a humble beginning to be one of the most highly demanded restaurants at commercial center in Mindanao State University, Marwi City. Not just only that they already have their branch at Naawan, one of the system of the university.

Their business started on distributing a “Suman sa Latik” to the neighborhood until they raised a sufficient amount of money to have their own building for them to offer variety of food.  It was a partnership enterprise. The origin of the name of their business which is JECOS comes from the first letter of every partner’s name. 

According to the manager their secret in reaching their position now is no other than but God. They consider their business as blessing for them to bless others. In their operation process they applied the rule of holiness before God. There should be no any relationship between their employees if it can’t be avoided they will give a decision to the employee either they will be married and continue their work or if not they will be terminated. It’s my first time to hear this kind of policy in such a food establishment and I really appreciate it. And all of their decisions such as to expand or not or any changes to be made to their business they will inquire it to God first before doing it. So, now I understand why there business reaches the success they have right now despite and in spite of the location that they have. It is God who is with them and I do believe that when God is there no one can be against them.  Indeed from “Suman sa Latik into Bonggastik” is all I can say to them. 

Now despite that they already offer variety of food still there “suman sa latik” is always and forever present because for them it is the instrument which is used by God to reach what they have right now. So, they will never take it from their food offering said by the manager. 

Seminar on E-commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials

Seminar on E-commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials

Experience one of the edge of every individual.

The entrepreneurial Marketing students who are taking their Marketing 111 (Internet Marketing) course in this first semester  in Mindanao State University conducted a seminar on E-commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials and Strategies. As part of those individuals, it is favorable in my part because we are given a chance to hear some advices and techniques on how to perform effectively the theories that we have learn from the class in the real field of internet and also it’s important in the business.  

As of todays way of business is very dynamic. One of every business used as an effective tool for their success is using the internet. During the seminar I’ve learned the following;

  1. that business now a day are using the social media as one of their mode in communicating their customers and indeed it is really advantageous to their part,
  2. that there are many opportunities in internet that everyone can earn income without any personal interactions from the personnel such as the following: designs, development, marketing and advertising, content, and management,
  3. that there are limitations in doing this kind of business so you must be careful,
  4.  and lastly, this business is not easy especially if you are not that good in this field because you really have to adapt what would be the changes of the trends.

 As one of the participants of the seminar I would like to say thank you for all of the speakers who share their personal experiences in the field of internet, their advices and strategies shared, and lastly for their time and presence indeed the seminar would not be made without your presence. After the seminar we the participants can say that the learning’s we gain from it would be one of our edge from others. 

My Journey in MSU - MSU MY HOME

Being far away from your family is not easy especially if you are not used to it.  Hello everyone I am Mariel a fourth year Marketing Student and this is my journey in MSU-Main Campus.

First and foremost, this university is really my desired school since from the start and I don’t know why. Despite and in spite of the negative news or feedbacks from others about this campus still I really want to be here and have my study. And also with regards to its distance from my hometown it doesn’t hinder my desire to really be here. That’s how curious I am with regards to this university and I can’t hide the excitement in me.
Way back then on the day of my first arrival in this university, indeed it was unforgettable moment for me. I have no idea about where to go, who are those people I’ve been meeting, and where to stay. It was Sunday on that day and I arrived here at 6pm plus then my friend who is the one who became my guide lead me to a training apartment (Christian Training Apartment)  but at that moment I really have no idea that it was a training apartment so it was not a big deal with me. But at that night I realized that how God did designed our first personal encounter. That time when I arrived in the apartment it was their intercession time they invited me and the word in that day is really for me. It was a transforming message that for me it really made me turn into 180 degree in my life. That night I can’t sleep despite of all the tiredness because I really did internalize the word and it made me realized that God has a purpose why I came here. It was not about my academics, my friend who brought me here or anything in this world but it is because God called me for the urgent purpose and that is to work for his kingdom.
Yes, I admit that at first there are many doubts about God’s purpose but along the way he allowed me to understand it and teach me to love his teaching and him of course for me to be equipped on the things that he will be giving to me. Indeed my life with God was so amazing despite and in spite of waves in life still at the end all I can say is praise the Lord and through it also I can really feel that God really worked in my life.

In my life now all I can say is that I’m really living under God’s sufficient grace and provision even in my academics indeed I can really say that its God who for it and not me. Along the way as I allowed myself to be used in building God’s kingdom he is the one also who work in every aspects of my life. I’m so happy being here in this university indeed it is not an accident and now I can really say that it is my home as well. Now, I am happy nurturing my six flocks with God and its really amazing feeling that you can see that they too were growing with God.  

Teamwork a Key of Possibility!

As of today’s temperature we can truly say that it is not normal. As times goes by we are experiencing a very hot temperature. Everyone is aware why these things happen in our environment. But not everyone wants to respond in preventing it.  

       As to our advocacy to help in preventing the worst scenario we are experiencing right now in our mother earth we are being tasked by our instructor to convince one particular food store in Mindanao State University, Marawi City who are catering the commoners either student, professionals, or what professions they have in their life as to be our partner in preventing our mother earth from its unusual condition. And for this to be able to achieve we are going to convince our chosen store to give discounts to their customers who will buy food form them by using Tupperware or anything aside from plastics cellophane. These discounts would be: cash discounts wherein there supposedly payment will be deducted by one peso or two it depends on the owner or they will be free of one viand if they will be buying more than Php 50.00 of food.

As of the condition in the premises within the university’s environment we can truly say that it is one of the reasons why the unusual conditions happen to our mother earth right now.  By simply doing this kind of activity although it is not easy because you don’t know what would be your agreement to the food store it really did contribute a lot for the prevention of the continuous unusual condition of our mother earth.  And for me the idea of doing this to realized the goal in preventing the unusual happening in our environment is really smart and effective. With the used of this strategy which is "teamwork it is not impossible" as the saying says by Henry For it states that "Teamwork coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, and working together is success.