Miyerkules, Oktubre 8, 2014

Teamwork a Key of Possibility!

As of today’s temperature we can truly say that it is not normal. As times goes by we are experiencing a very hot temperature. Everyone is aware why these things happen in our environment. But not everyone wants to respond in preventing it.  

       As to our advocacy to help in preventing the worst scenario we are experiencing right now in our mother earth we are being tasked by our instructor to convince one particular food store in Mindanao State University, Marawi City who are catering the commoners either student, professionals, or what professions they have in their life as to be our partner in preventing our mother earth from its unusual condition. And for this to be able to achieve we are going to convince our chosen store to give discounts to their customers who will buy food form them by using Tupperware or anything aside from plastics cellophane. These discounts would be: cash discounts wherein there supposedly payment will be deducted by one peso or two it depends on the owner or they will be free of one viand if they will be buying more than Php 50.00 of food.

As of the condition in the premises within the university’s environment we can truly say that it is one of the reasons why the unusual conditions happen to our mother earth right now.  By simply doing this kind of activity although it is not easy because you don’t know what would be your agreement to the food store it really did contribute a lot for the prevention of the continuous unusual condition of our mother earth.  And for me the idea of doing this to realized the goal in preventing the unusual happening in our environment is really smart and effective. With the used of this strategy which is "teamwork it is not impossible" as the saying says by Henry For it states that "Teamwork coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, and working together is success. 

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