Seminar on E-commerce and
Internet Marketing Essentials
one of the edge of every individual.
The entrepreneurial
Marketing students who are taking their Marketing 111 (Internet Marketing)
course in this first semester in
Mindanao State University conducted a seminar on E-commerce and Internet Marketing
Essentials and Strategies. As part of those individuals, it is favorable in my
part because we are given a chance to hear some advices and techniques on how
to perform effectively the theories that we have learn from the class in the
real field of internet and also it’s important in the business.
As of todays
way of business is very dynamic. One of every business used as an effective
tool for their success is using the internet. During the seminar I’ve learned
the following;
- that business now a day are using the social media as one of their mode in communicating their customers and indeed it is really advantageous to their part,
- that there are many opportunities in internet that everyone can earn income without any personal interactions from the personnel such as the following: designs, development, marketing and advertising, content, and management,
- that there are limitations in doing this kind of business so you must be careful,
- and lastly, this business is not easy especially if you are not that good in this field because you really have to adapt what would be the changes of the trends.
As one of the participants of the seminar I would like to say thank you for all of the speakers who share their personal experiences in the field of internet, their advices and strategies shared, and lastly for their time and presence indeed the seminar would not be made without your presence. After the seminar we the participants can say that the learning’s we gain from it would be one of our edge from others.
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